Address: 14 6/33 Darabos St. Debrecen 4026
Phone: +36 30 277 4696 every day between 10-17 hours
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia street 18. (Debrecen Plaza I. floor)
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bocskai street 25.
5000 Szolnok, Ady Endre street 28/A (Szolnok Plaza I. floor)
5300 Karcag, Városudvar 1.
27 July 2024 (saturday)

Welcome to the homepage of Centre Youth Association!

Association forum and General meeting

The Centre Youth Association does its activities at 5 locations, in 3 counties and in two cities. Everybody does their own work at their own locations but we take time from time to time to all of the colleagues gather together for a personal meeting.

This year it was in Debrecen in the beginning of Debrecen. At these occasions we evaluate the how the last period of time happened we plan the next weeks, months we celebrate the successes and we try to find solutions to the upcoming problems. This was like this at the current forum too. During common work we got time for a common workshop on the fields of the international work, and we celebrated our colleagues who had or will have in the near future their birthday.

After the forum with the participation of the association members we organised the year’s last general meeting with the leading of the president of the Association. Among the agenda items there were the last year’s evaluation there were words about the next year’s plans, about prospects and the next management of the Association is got accepted.


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