Address: 14 6/33 Darabos St. Debrecen 4026
Phone: +36 30 277 4696 every day between 10-17 hours
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia street 18. (Debrecen Plaza I. floor)
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bocskai street 25.
5000 Szolnok, Ady Endre street 28/A (Szolnok Plaza I. floor)
5300 Karcag, Városudvar 1.
27 July 2024 (saturday)

Welcome to the homepage of Centre Youth Association!

Visitors came from Iserlohn

Our kind partner from Nyíregyháza, the Mustárház Youth Information and Advice Office organised a youth exchange which’s one of a stop was our Association and its county student self-government the Children and Youth Student Self-Government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County.

The youth exchanges are those kind of youth programs which are supported by the European Union in the framework of these a few groups of young people gathers together from different countries and they participate in trainings, group projects in a certain topic for 9-10 days.

Our partner the Mustárház IITI with the participants from Iserlohn visited us as a program part. During this occasion we have driven them through the office we showed them the Community FACEs Youth Office and Community Space’s premises and it’s 1-2 stories, then we sit down in the big room where we spoke about the Association with our photos and rollup. Following this we showed them our Volunteer Taboo which is created by the Association and the participants could play a few rounds with it.

We would like to thank our guests for their attention!


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