Address: 14 6/33 Darabos St. Debrecen 4026
Phone: +36 30 277 4696 every day between 10-17 hours
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia street 18. (Debrecen Plaza I. floor)
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bocskai street 25.
5000 Szolnok, Ady Endre street 28/A (Szolnok Plaza I. floor)
5300 Karcag, Városudvar 1.
16 January 2025 (thursday)

Centre Youth Office and Community Space

History, Aims:

The Centre Youth Office and Community Space opened at the first time in March of 2008 mainly for the residents of Tócóskert in Debrecen. We helped the civils mostly in job search, carrier choice and other general problems. Besides of these our office was also managed programmes in the Tócókert area, we organised the "Housing Christmas", "SZEVASZ" enviromental family day, and the Housing Festival. In this time we worked together with several institue, school and different organisation in the Tósóckert area.

In 2012 we moved to the Debrecen Pláza. As a community space our most important goals were: giving information and possibilities in youth self-government, volunteer programs, youth communty service, European Voluntary Service (EVS), international youth programmes, to the youngsters, teachers, parents. Besides of these we are also giving place to the young artists to show their creations. And we also give possibilites to the talents to perform in our events.

After several moving we now our office opened again on the first floor in the Debrecen Pláza in 2014. Our Community Space was in an other place next to the office in that time. It was still important for us to give place to the pupils to organise their own programs. For these events we can give the necessary technical devices, professional helping and also some soft drinks and snacks. We are open for everyone: anybody can come in to play games like table tennis or board games.

Visit us, if you would like to apply for volunteer programs or if you are interested in our junior clerk program. We are open to everyone who would like to try out themselves organising programs and office leading.


Office open time:
Monday - Friday 10-17
Saturday - Sunday closed


Keszti Éva - HR and financial administration leader
Telefon: +36 30 462 9395

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