Address: 14 6/33 Darabos St. Debrecen 4026
Phone: +36 30 277 4696 every day between 10-17 hours
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia street 18. (Debrecen Plaza I. floor)
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bocskai street 25.
5000 Szolnok, Ady Endre street 28/A (Szolnok Plaza I. floor)
5300 Karcag, Városudvar 1.
27 July 2024 (saturday)

Gyulavári Attila Zsolt has become acquainted with student government in primary school and at the age of 18 he has joined to the Association as a volunteer. While secondary school he was a leader of the Student Union Federation of Hajdú-Bihar County for 2 years. In 2011 he has finished his studies in the Perfekt Trade School and Technical College's sport organiser and -manager faculty, and he continued his studies at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Debrecen. Currently he is the president of the Association since August of 2017 and the coordinator of the high priority events. He was the regional coordinator of the Northern Hungarian Plain in the KÖZÖD! Programme in years 2010 and 2011. He learnt truly in the Association what is the meaning of teamwork, helping people and dealing with people. He learned lots of things year by year, which things, he's very proud of , and for his work the Association chose him as The Volunteer of 2009.
His motto: "Sport teaches you how to win fairly, or loose with head errect. Therefore sport teaches us everything." Ernest Hemingway
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 718 8644

Baracskai Lilla, studied at the Universit of Debrecen and at the ELTE University as a social worker. At first time she contact with the association as a trainee in 2014. She worked as a human resources, after network program coordinator. Currently she is our vice-president as a volunteer. Besides, she worked as a voluntary at the Great church in Debrecen for years and she was leading also a youth group. She started to like here the activity of organisers and deal with children and youth. This greatly contributed to the profession, where she appoint similar goal for herself. She always tries to be positive. It is very important for her to be with her family, friends so when she has freetime she hangs out with them, but she likes to ride a bike and watch movies as well.
Motto:”Live it.”
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 643 7001

Kulcsár-Czibere Éva graduated in Berettyóújfalu in 2010. During her secondary school studies she took part in the life of the student government and in the organizing of the events of the student hostel. In that time started she’s orientation to the communication course. In 2013 she finished her studies at the University of Debrecen on Communication and Media Course as an institutional commucator. After that she worked with children as an animator and babysitter. So sitting back to the school desk she graduated as a nursemaid on the University of Debrecen Faculty of Child and Adult Education. She worked in communities in every time. To be a useful member of the team, and to work in creative tasks is important for her. In her free time she does sports and she spends time with her friends and family. Currently she works as a vice-president.
Her motto: “Live so you aren’t noticed where you are, but you are missed from where you go away!”
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 949 7588

Bálega János got acquainted with the student government and civil life as a secondary school student. He was an active contributor to establishment of several informal youth groups. He is one of the founding members of the Association and he was the president for eight years, currently he is the strategic and Hajdú-Bihar county’s workgroup leader. He he was active in other NGOs as a volunteer, and as regional coordinator and programme-coordinator. In his professionalism, he is the most proud of his creativity and problem-solving skills. Out of the Association, he has been teaching at the University of Debrecen for several years and he was an instructor of the Ferenc Medgyessy Secondary and Artistic School. He is active in the fields if the youth on local and national level, he was a board member of the Youth Round-Table of Nyíregyháza, the Youth and Cultural Round-Board leader of Szolnok, also he was a board member of the National Youth Council and he was a co-chair of the Hungarian Association of Youth Service Providers. He likes to spend his spare time mostly with his family, wife, two sons and friends, in addition he loves travelling and watching films.
His motto: „We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” – (Mother Teresa)
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 718 8649

Keszti Éva was the student of University of Szolnok, as a junior clerk she had worked to a Non-Govermental Association,which closely cooparated with the Cities Student Goverment Association. In this way she got to know with the Association and with the volunteer job.Finally she did not become an economist,but she has never minded it. Her heart pushs her nearer to that direction where she could help to other people. Since that time, special education assistant and habilitation dog trainer proffesions she got. Currently she is working at a Helperdog Trainer Foundation next to the Association. She is not a lonely type,she likes working in a team, new things, meeting with new people. And she likes seeing that she does useful things for the others. She was network program assistant, later network program coordinator, currently she is contributor.
Her Motto:” One candle is losing nothing from its light,if we are lighting another with it.”
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 462 9395

Klenovszky Dóra graduated in June of 2015 as a Sport Organizer in University of Debrecen. During her studies she was volunteer in different kind of world and Europe championships. Her first experience as a volunteer was in the Europe Swimming Champion in Debrecen in 2012. In her free time she likes running, riding a bike, going trips and spending her time with friends. Her goal is to complete a medical and sports masseur course in the future.
Her motto: “Quiet people have the loudest minds.” (Stephen Hawking)
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 903 6135

Kocsis Petronella Alíz firstly got connection with the student government in 2014. Her primary school’s student government’s vice-president later president she was. Between 2016 and 2020 she studied in the Szolnoki SzC Vásárhelyi Pál Bilingual Education School of Economics, Health and Tourism majoring in economics. In her 10th grade she were elected to the student government president of the school. In January of 2018 she got known the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county’s student government and at first she was the programcoordinator at there later she elected for the president position. She had this position until 2020 March. In this two years she have learned a lot. Her communication skill, and teamwork has developed a lot and got known the mysteries of event organizing, all of this with a team which is like her second family. For her enthusiasm and persistent work the Association awarded with a Snail Prize in 2018. Now in the Association she is a fellow worker in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and since September is the county’s workgroup
Her motto: „If you giving yourself those treasures whiches you got for your way you enrich the world, giving gift to your fellow human beings.” (Tamás Csitáry-Hock)
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 546 79 41

Berecz Gábor holds a bachelor's degree in History and Hungarian Studies, as well as a vocational qualification in tourism. He worked for 8 years at World Expert Tours Travel Agency in Kisvárda. He became acquainted with volunteering through the Association and participated in several events. Since August 1, 2021, he has been working for the Association as a coordinator of SZSZBGYIÖK. From April 1, 2024, he will also serve as the county coordinator for Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. In 2022, he completed the Youth 220 - Youth Professional Foundation Training. This year, the Association awarded him the Snail Prize in the Special Award category. He is very proud of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Children's and Youth Council (SZSZBGYIÖK). Since February 2024, he has been a member of the Nyíregyháza Youth Round Table. He loves reading, sports, and meeting new people and situations. His greatest joy and source of rejuvenation come from his wife and his daughter, Boglárka.
His motto: "People are fairies too... Young fairies" (Magda Szabó).
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 718 8643

Fekete-Szabó Vivien graduated from Széchenyi István High School in Szolnok in 2013. Until her graduation, she participated in numerous major sports competitions, as sports were a cornerstone of her life. From elementary school through her high school years, she played water polo both domestically and internationally, and for years she was a member of the Hungarian National Youth Team. After graduating, she almost immediately started working. She is currently a mother of three, with her days full of tasks waiting to be solved.
Her motto: "The only one who doesn't make mistakes is the one who does nothing." (Theodore Roosevelt)
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 732 2303

Feldrihán-Kanyó Cintia completed her studies at Magiszter Fényes Adolf High School in Szolnok in 2018. Her creativity was evident from a young age, and the art school she attended greatly developed this talent. With her open nature, she loves to travel, see the world, and try new things. She lived in Austria for two years with her husband. During her time abroad, she grew significantly, easily communicating due to her excellent communication skills. However, her heart drew her back home, leading her to apply to our Association. Cintia prefers giving to receiving, and her love for people makes her a great fit for our team. As of July 2024, she will work as the office manager at our Szolnok office. Her goals include creating a better and more valuable future for young people and her future children. It is important to her that students who seek her help receive proper support, know their opportunities, and take advantage of them.

Motto: No matter how hard the past was, you can always start again today. /Buddha/
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 699 3045

Hargita Máté got acquainted with the association in 2021 when he became a staff member and later president of SzSzBGYIÖK. Shortly after his resignation, he joined the team of the KÖZ-Pont Youth Association. He considers himself to be a friendly, curious, and humorous person, with interests that include comics, video games, series, and other arts. He loves challenges, so it is common for him to take on significant tasks.
Hes motto: You can do everything, once you have nothing. ~Tyler Durden - ***** ****~
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 755 2201

Kis Szabolcs Márk is 19 years old and was born in Karcag, where he completed his primary and secondary education. Next year, he will begin his studies in Social Work at the University of Debrecen. In the future, he wants to work in helping and educating people, and he is also interested in program organization. His long-term goal is to establish a foundation that focuses on supporting and helping people living on the peripheries. In previous years, he was involved in the association's activities as a board member of the Karcag City Student Government, and when his time allowed, he also assisted with the Debrecen Civil Volunteers. He is currently working as a coordinator responsible for international volunteers. He is an animal-loving individual who is open to new experiences, enjoys meeting new people, and likes spending quality time with his friends. After obtaining his intermediate-level English language certificate, he wants to continue improving his English and also learn the basics of the Italian language.
His motto: "Never give up! Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine."
-Jack Ma-
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 635 9099

Kovácsné Lázár Dzsenifer was born and raised in Budapest. She initially studied to become a chef while taking care of children in her free time. She graduated from BGSzC Katona József Technical School in 2016. In 2019, she moved to Karcag. She loves photography, traveling, and getting to know new people and things. She values the development of children and young people, as well as animal protection! At 18, she started organizing programs, initially for friends and family, such as birthdays, baby showers, and even weddings. She enjoys planning and organizing events. It brings her special joy when she successfully organizes a program that is enjoyable and successful for everyone involved!

Her motto: Joy makes life worth living.
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 592 2577

Korláth Márk finished his studies in the Sipkay Barna Vocational School on catering tourism. He acquainted with the Association in 2015. After this he joined to the SZSZBGYIÖK as a staff member then as a management member. He loves to get new connections and friends. He likes to do photography on hobby level and he likes to do sports. He considers himself as a responsible and confident person who to that isn’t a problem to solve the problems and he takes easily the obstacles too. Currently he is the Miskolc City Student Self Government’s coordinator.
His motto: “Everybody can reach something if they try it with enough force.” (Stephen Hawking)
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 296 2979

Szabó Péter is 22 years old. He completed his high school education at the MSZC Kandó Kálmán Informatics Technical School and obtained his logistics qualification at the Fáy András Greek Catholic Technical School and Vocational High School. Additionally, he holds a forklift operator certification. He got acquainted with MiDÖK in January 2021, where he was a staff member for nearly one and a half years and then served as a leadership member for another one and a half years, fulfilling the role of program coordinator. He enjoys meeting new people and building relationships, and he has a strong interest in event planning. In his free time, he listens to music, watches TV series, likes cooking and baking, and spends time with his friends.
His motto is: "There are no coincidences, everything happens for a reason."
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 70 326 2916

Venkli Virág came from the romanian Érmihályfalva as an international volunteer. She finished her studies at the Nagyvárad’s Szent László Roman Catholic Theological High School on faculty of roman theology. She were participate in some events. She were the president of the student council for 3 years in her secondary school and member of some of charitable and youth groups. Her element of existence is the music the acting the ballroom dance and the reading and the watching of series. She is open, sentimentalist, philanthropist, helpful girl who loves to make people laugh and sneak some humour to the grey weekdays. The most important for is her family and friends who she wants to spend most of her time. Currently she is the adult supporter of the HABIDISZ as a fellow worker of the Association.
Her motto: „If you are not interesting for someone, as you are, don’t be in otherwise.” (Laura Leiner)
E-mail: | Telefon: +36 30 718 8645

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