Address: 14 6/33 Darabos St. Debrecen 4026
Phone: +36 30 277 4696 every day between 10-17 hours
4026 Debrecen, Péterfia street 18. (Debrecen Plaza I. floor)
4400 Nyíregyháza, Bocskai street 25.
5000 Szolnok, Ady Endre street 28/A (Szolnok Plaza I. floor)
5300 Karcag, Városudvar 1.
1 May 2024 (wednesday)


In the name of the 20th birthday – Interview with Csaba Ábrahám

We did an interview with one of the Association’s former EVS volunteer who have spent 1 year at the Association as a volunteer. In the interview which we did with Csaba Árbrahám we can get a deeper insight into the foreign volunteering’s beauty, secrets, also we can get know that how one of hour volunteer sees the Centre. In the future we will do other interviews with more Association people too, read those too.

1. When and how did you get in touch with the Association?
I have started the European Volunteer Service (EVS) at the Association in February of 2015.

2. What are you doing for living currently?
Currently I’m the chief accountant at the Békási-Szoros-Nagyhagymás National Park.

3. What motivated you to be a volunteer in a foreign country?
In that part of my life I have looked for my way and I wanted to be a volunteer somewhere abroad in any case. It’s true originally, I wanted to go to something exotic and to a more distant place, but in retrospect this proved as the best decision.

4. Why did you choose our Association?
This is more the work of the coincidence. Originally, I didn’t know the Association neither the definition of EVS. Truly I just decided that I want to go volunteer somewhere.

5. Which move you could describe your volunteering period the best?

6. What kind of tasks you helped in?
I have helped the student governments’ work and within in there were different kind of programs and various enough.

7. Which was your favourite moment which is connectable to the Association?
The Carpathian Basin Student Governments’ Meeting, in short KDT.

8. What was the hardest in the time you spent here?
For me the hardest was to partite the money and that, to come out from that amount of money which I got, without that, to use my own reserves.

9. What did you learn, developed in during your time here?
I got know better myself I could push further my threshold in connection with other people’s acceptance. Maybe the most important is I learnt that it isn’t worth to spasm on those kinds of things which I can’t change.

10. Which cities you got to during your volunteer year?
Debrecen, Nyíregyháza, Szolnok, Budapest, Gyöngyös, Szeged, Újvidék, Karcag, Poroszló.

11. What are those three words which you would describe the Association?
Tradition, acceptance, support.

12. Which was your favourite association event? Why is that?
The Carpathian Basin Student Governments’ Meeting, in short KDT.

13. Did you organise an own program? If yes, what?

14. Were there any contacts during your stay that you can thank to the Association?
They’re born some contacts, but with the time all of them died. So, for real if the speaking once a year considered as connection, then yes, I have still living connection. :D

15. What took you out the best from your comfort zone?
Several little things, but I can’t remember to any concrete things. Or it was a very decisive thing. I hated to ask everywhere for invoices, or that bothered me I somebody snored next to me or the unforeseen things are bothered me.

16. Which was the hardest to let go, let it here at the end of your volunteering?
The people, the community. Everybody was cool.

17. What is that Association memory which you don’t want to forget ever?
That, I have been there! It was a huge experience and decisive in my life.

18. If you could, would you start again the volunteering at us?

19. If you have to recommend the foreign volunteering for the youth, what would you say?
Go, to get know yourself and meet with your thresholds and push it out. Anyway, I recommend continuously the volunteer programs.


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